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Mild Hearing Loss

Mild hearing loss is used to describe people who are are unable to hear soft sounds, as well as those who have difficulty understanding speech clearly in noisy environments.

Moderate Hearing Loss

Moderate hearing loss is described as an inability to hear soft and moderately loud sounds with considerable difficulty understanding speech, especially in areas with background noise.

Severe Hearing Loss

Severe hearing loss is generally described as a person who cannot hear sounds and speech of others without technological assistance.
Getting to know DHAOA

Getting to know 411Hearing

411Hearing is a no frills site offering significantly discounted pricing for major brand hearing aids. We sell ONLY the current latest models for each manufacturer.
Our service is an "A+" accredited business by the Better Business Bureau (Discount Hearing Aids) which instills confidence in our client base. Compare our prices and you will typically see we are significantly lower than the typical hearing aid provider.
You can rest assured you will be receiving the utmost in attention, service and product from us as we covet our BBB A+ Accreditation and vigorously protect it.